• Items by HNFD

  • Items 1 - 5 of 5

    HNFD stands for Fotoalben-Discount

    Under the HNFD brand, we carry many outstanding articles as a low-priced private label. HNFD stands for Henry Noack Fotoalben-Discount. It all started with inexpensive spiral albums - our Buldana photo albums. High quality, simple, timeless and made in Europe - a simple photo album and cheap compared to other market offers. Many other articles are available here exclusively - a photo album for 1000 photos. Yes, we also have photo albums for thousands on offer. This is an article that was created due to many customer requests for extra large photo albums. Conventional photo albums are usually for a maximum of 400 or 600 photos.

    HNFD - not only photo albums

    The range has expanded considerably in the meantime - inexpensive picture frames or passepartouts would be just one example here. We manufacture ready-made passepartouts and also bevel-cut passepartouts for picture frames inexpensively in-house, also made to measure. Thanks to our short production routes, we can offer a very competitive product at a low price. If you are looking for a custom-made passepartout, don't wait long. Ordered today and delivered tomorrow is actually our standard here.